Scripture Reading - Colossians 3:23-24 KJV

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). This lesson we will explore a deeper level of relationship known to us (ihlcc) as “Ministry Mode”. This type of relationship only works for those who call upon the Name of Christ. Yes, all Christians can take advantage of this level of relationship if they choose to and have a loving heart for it. What we (ihlcc) mean by “ministry mode” is those people that you pour into expecting nothing in return. Some would think this is the relationship between a pastor and his congregation or a Christian teacher and his disciples but that is not what we are talking about. Quite often the congregation blesses the pastor with both personal spiritual insight and financial offerings. Many believers share examples of their faith with both pastors and teachers that can be used as examples to bless others. In this sense there is mutual benefit. No different than the benefits the good disciples provide to their leaders by helping them to accomplish their (the leaders) vision (calling/ministry) from the Lord while upon the earth. No, “Ministry Mode” is typically used to aid someone who is either not in a position to help you or just unwilling to help you. Some Christians refer to these types of people as burdens, like a poor man begging for money. The problem may not even be financial; sometimes these are people who have constant emotional and/or mental problems. Yes, even the world system teaches to separate yourself from those people who pull you down mentally or emotionally. Mature saints don’t allow others to pull them down spiritually they only endeavor to help others come up to a higher level in Christ Jesus. People who demand a lot attention and energy are labeled as needed people because they always (or at least generally) need something from someone else. Whether it is attention, counsel, or time they pull upon their family members or people in positions to help them to gain something they are personally lacking from another person besides (other than) God. Sometimes these people only want to be heard on their own terms and conditions. As believers in Christ we too were once in darkness and confused, this lack of light caused us to stumble around with problems which could have been burdensome to others. As Christians we all could boast, except for the grace of God I am what I am. Everything that is good within us is solely and wholly the goodness of God manifested within and upon us, so we cannot boast about our own personal kindness and good nature. No dear saint, we must remember all our righteousness is as filthy rags in God’s Sight. However, the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ is another story entirely. The goodness and mercy of Jesus compels us to treat others as He (God, our Father and Lord Jesus Christ) treats us. Since the Lord has been (and still is) good to us when we have not always been good to Him or others it is our responsibility to keep this “Agape” Love flowing to others. It is this unconditional love (Agape Love, God’s Love) overflowing with mercy and grace that allows us to keep a relationship with the very same people the world runs away from or despises. As Christians we despise not the lowly, nor do we hide from our own flesh. There is no respecter of persons in us, as Born Again Children of God, we welcome all, we love all, and we try to help all by sometimes utilizing “Ministry Mode” for those who can receive from us without having something good to give back to us in exchange. Since “Ministry Mode” is very common for the Lord Jesus Christ it is no small wonder that we (ihlcc) use it too whenever necessary through the grace of God by faith. This type of relationship requires you to minister/help others as if you were helping a beloved child of God and that is why you can do it happily (with devotion, heartily) as unto the Lord because the Lord Himself will reward your efforts. “Ministry Mode” is only for those who Love Jesus because without His Grace you will not be successful in doing spiritual good deeds without the genuine Love of Jesus freely flowing out of your heart to set people free from the snares (bondage and burdens) of the evil one. Amen!